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Why should I purchase ad space on
Because... is so highly ranked by Google that it is on the 1st results page for its search... which means is on Google's TOP 10 LIST attracting the most visitors who are searching specifically to 'vaporize weed'!
So, yes... you definitely SHOULD purchase ad space on!
All new ads are placed in one of 2 positions...
OPTION 1. PREMIUM AD SPACE... At the top right sidebar in place of the signboy shown here.
If this 'Your ad here' signboy is not showing on the top of the right sidebar, then the premium ad space is not available. It is a 160px max width, longer than 160px space (600px max length).
This premium space is wholly or partially (depending on your banner size) 'above-the-fold' (visible without scrolling down) and attracts a lot of click-throughs. This premium space costs $100/month.
OPTION 2. SECONDARY AD SPACE... Just below the premium space, your ad will occupy the top 160px by 160px space, bumping all the others down by 1 space... as long as there is still space available for all paid ads. This secondary space costs $50/month.
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